New Goals

Immediately after completing the Brooklyn Half-Marathon, I let myself recover slowly. I walked, stretched and walked some more. And then I ran.  It was hard, but it felt good. A few days after that, I started to plan my next set of running goals.

I’ve been easing my way back with short slow runs. My running buddies and I are coordinating schedules and figuring out when we can run and workout together, which is very exciting. I like running in a group.

I also want to increase my overall strength and gain muscle.

black woman with muscles

I’m starting with Dr. Jordan Metzl’s Iron Strength workout.

Running Strong

I’ve been reading Running Strong and I’m looking forward to learning how to continue to gain speed, endurance while staying injury free. I’ll probably register with New York Road Runner’s and take a class. I could use some coaching, someone who can guide me to the next level. And for community, I’m joining the local Black Girls Run group.

I’m working on short distances for now – 5K’s and 10K’s. I’ve got my splits from the half-marathon so I know what I’m working against.

And I’ve got my eye on another half-marathon in the early fall, but let’s keep it a secret for now ;).