
I recommitted to running in January. It was a New Year’s resolution. Six months later, I’m still running. I’m trying to think back about what prompted me to keep my resolution this year versus pervious years. I’m pretty sure it’s the fact that I’m getting older and that there are days I feel older.

And then there was the setting of a big public goal to run a half marathon! <– I’m pretty sure that was the icing on the cake that got my butt in gear. Who says the idea of public humiliation can’t be a motivator?

Running continues to be difficult for me.  These days I find myself running without audibly or mentally cursing. Now, that’s an impovement!

Next up is speedwork. I want to get faster. I’m tired of being in the back. As a back-of-the-packer at races I miss out on the best crowds, the yummy treats, and if I’m lucky I reach the water stations just as the volunteers are throwing the water on the street. Ugh!  It’s frustrasting.

My new goal is to stay with the pack, baby steps, right?  Next year, I’ll aim for the middle of the pack.

Speedwork is my new best friend.

Running Image 2

Right now I’m doing interval runs. And to keep me on track I’m registering for two 5K’s – one in August and the other in September.

A big part of being slow is my weight, I know. I’ve been working on that. I’ve lost ten pounds, twentyish more to go. And I’ve added the Iron Strength workout two days a week. Can I say that the burpees are killing me?! I can do three (on a good day), with good form and then collapse.


Fear not, my future in cursing is secure!